Personal Wealth Manager
Personal Wealth Manager
Year Joined: 2016
Years of Experience: 5-10 years
Education: Degree in Systems Engineering
Industry Certifications: CFP ®
Industry Certifications: CFP ®
Notable Achievements: Centurion, MDRT, COT, PWM
Specialisation: Financial Planning, Legacy Planning
Specialisation: Financial Planning, Legacy Planning
Hobbies: Tennis, Cycling, Piano
The opportunity to venture into this career presented itself from an introduction by a mutual friend. Despite being initially sceptical, what drew me to this line of work eventually was my interest in personal finance and the entrepreneurial nature of my work. I also see it as a valuable opportunity to help others have peace of mind and reach financial freedom with proper insurance planning. Developing a long-term working relationship with my clients and being able to serve them at every stage of their lives are my goals as a Financial Services Consultant. With a combination of integrity and commitment, I hope to be the trusted one-stop financial solution for all my clients.